Elite TV Service Design
ecommerce, Service Design, Web & Mobile
Best Buy Canada
As part of Best Buy’s value proposition, we wanted to offer comprehensive promotions and services to our TV buyer customers by providing the option of getting a selected wall mount and offering the free setup included in the package.
A complete and holistic end-to-end experience for TV buyers, assuring they’re getting the best value out of their purchase. Providing the right amount of educational, inspirational, and step-by-step guidance through the journey to create an intuitive experience for users as well as covering business objectives.

The challenge
Customers who wanna buy a TV, usually consider additional accessories to elevate their experience, but it’s not always easy to find the compatible product or have a full view of product variants.
Best Buy offers multiple services and promotions which helps to solve this problem and this time, they wanted to offer a free (or additional) wall mount plus free installation and TV calibration for selected eligible TVs.
On the other hand, potential customers need to get awareness, education, and understanding of the full scope so it would be a seamless experience from shopping online to have the blue shirt at their place for installation.
First, we looked into the current experience to find out all the possible areas for improvement and we came up with a list that helped us prioritize where to focus.
1. There is no exposure of the Elite program on the TV category page
2. No differentiator within TV SKUs for those who are eligible for elite service
3. Bar banners are just linking to learn more options. Customers may want to see all Elite TVs right away
4. Banners are showing Geek squad people which may not be as valuable as they should
5. Why it’s just promoted on 50+ inches tv SSCs?
6. It’s branded as geek squad and not geek squad elite services – customers may be mixed up
7. Is the offer/service available for all TVs below? – 55” Tvs SSC
8. I haven’t decided on my TV set and you’re offering free installation or mounts
9. Disjointed experience from the banner and the messaging on the marketing page
10. Marketing page talks about all TV services and not what I just clicked, so I need to choose the right one again
11. Geek Squad agents doesn’t add any value to the page
12. Wall mounts options are not listed as part of customer’s options and considerations
13. Elite SSC doesn’t provide any context of what does it mean and what’s different for these TVs
14. TV Services page provides 2 different services which make it hard for the customer to differentiate and choose
Based on our insights and observations, we concluded the potential items for which we should have some design solutions.
1. Better exposure on Elite experience online
2. Customers should be able to differentiate/filter the eligible SKUs
3. Customers need to be able to shop the collection or learn more from each touchpoint
4. Change the picture to something with more context and relevant to the banner’s information and not just agents
5. Collect a list of all TV pages which we can promote this service
6. Everything should be branded under GS elite service and not Geek squad
7. It’s not obvious that the service is not applicable for all below TVs, copy need to be clear
8. Tv service should be presented at the right time of the customer’s journey
9. If the banner talks about the Elite program, the next page needs to be focused on elite and not all other services
10. Same as #4
11. Page’s information needs to clearly communicate the service, options within each service (different wall mounts), process, and FAQ
12. Some supporting information needed to make it clear what type of products customer’s are looking at
13. Same as #9
14. Have Elite reference on PDP
Design implications
1. Advertise the Elite program on TV intermediary and relevant PLP pages
2. Use Elite icon/badge (like an open box) on eligible SKUs
3. Include both “shop collection” and “learn more” on banners or any touchpoint
4. Have a Geek squad agent adjusting the TV/installation + setup + mount in one image maybe?
5. include Elite bar banners on those pages
6. Use Elite badge on banners or any touchpoints to the experience
7. Update copy and visual on bar banners
8. *Needs more analysis and journey mapping
9. Separate TV services in 2 pages. one for 1 year 24/7 service and one for Elite experience – linking to each from those marketing pages.
10. Same as #4
11. Page layout, copy and information need to be revised (new section for different mount options?, FAQ on the service and process?…)
12. Bar banners with “Learn more” CTA on Elite/24-7 SSCs sending customers to the applicable marketing page

touchpoint map

customer flow

post purchase phase

Marketing page redesign

wireframes and mockups

End-to-end experience

Results and key take aways
The experience was tested with multiple groups and was a success, so we decided to launch it to a wider audience for 60 days and the results were as expected.
The percentage of TV customers who interacted with eligible TVs went high by 12% and the task completion rate was around 72%. Also, it resulted in a higher conversion rate and category engagement within the allocated time period.